As part of our long-term cooperation with one of the global producers of self-adhesive labels, we made and assembled additional storage and process glue tanks. The […]
As a manufacturer of stainless steel tanks, we have a very wide range of products adapted to contact with various types of substances, both aggressive and […]
Another project of the stainless steel tanks department is ongoing. This time, we are producing two 2.5 m3 storage tanks for an American investor. Tanks intended […]
A domestic manufacturer specializing in the production of asphalt emulsions is another customer for whom, we have produced non-pressure storage tanks made of AISI 304 stainless […]
A 350m3 demineralised water tank, produced by Hydro-Instal, has just been located on the premises of the Heat and Power Plant in Zabrze. The tank is […]